What will you learn in 2023?

Every day’s a learning day 

  • We are always reviewing the training courses we offer. We’d appreciate your help to shape our training offer. Please take 5 mins to complete a short survey by Friday 17 March at 5pm – and we’ll throw in a *free training place in a course of your choice if you do.
  • *Please note the free training offer is limited to 2 delegates per organisation on completion of the full survey.
  • Link to survey
  • Come and visit our Learning Lounge and see what is currently on offer for 2023
    – new courses are being added across the year. 

Closer to home:a place-based approach to preventing homelessness 

All homelessness starts in a community, so a place-based approach to preventing it happening is part of a wider shift towards employing assets that already exist in communities to improve wellbeing, address poverty and prevent homelessness. The learning experience will connect the causes and drivers of homelessness with the local knowledge and services that can provide an early warning approach using a simple two-point technique. It is designed for professionals working with people at risk or those who come into regular contact with members of the public.

BOOK Closer to home

Rough guide to homelessness policy & legislation in Scotland

This course looks in detail at existing and recent housing and homelessness policy and legislation in Scotland and how it intersects to create a world-leading safety net for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Since 2017, the influence of the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group (HARSAG) and the Scottish Parliament’s Inquiry on Homelessness has led to the Scottish Government/COSLA High-Level Plan to End Homelessness. We will examine legislation while identifying and analysing local challenges in implementation. This learning opportunity will broaden your knowledge and understanding of current policy and legislation designed to prevent, alleviate and ultimately end homelessness in Scotland. Presented in a rough guide format.

BOOK Rough guide to homelessness

The unequal risk: equality in housing and homelessness

The Equality Act 2010 brought together over 100 pieces of legislation dating from 1970 to 2007 to provide a legal framework to protect the rights of individuals and advance equality of opportunity for all. We know that experiences of the housing system, including risk of housing crises and homelessness, are varied and we need to understand these differences so we can more effectively prevent and tackle homelessness. This session aims to help build your confidence in talking about, and acting on, diversity, equality and inclusion, representing the diverse communities of people affected by housing, homelessness and poverty issues.

BOOK The unequal risk

Not found what you’re looking for? Please contact us for more information and we’d be delighted to discuss your training requirements


Preparing for future challenges and opportunities means adapting and getting ahead of the curve. We know change happens when we change together. We also know that time means everything. We can help your team with topics such as:

  • Policy and strategy 
  • Facilitating groups and events 
  • Involving people with lived experience

Please contact us for more information and to discuss your consultancy requirements

The Very Best of Intentions: when does good do harm? 

Homeless Network Scotland are launching a conversation series to cast some light on why good intentions are not enough when responding to big social challenges like poverty, social isolation and homelessness. And why, without the right knowledge and partnerships, good intentions can even cause harm.   

The conversation series will launch at an online event on 6 December 2022 and continue through 2023, where we will be exploring questions such as: 

  • Why is all ‘charity’ or voluntary action portrayed as positive, even those with low-bar standards? 
  • What happens when we centre the motivations of ‘givers’ over the impact on people receiving? 
  • Why do people use foodbanks, on-street soup kitchens or ask passers-by for money?  What are the alternatives?
  • What do politicians do that helps – and hinders?
  • How can we help voluntary action to be pioneering and trailblazing, rather than resurrecting old practices? 

We will look back at the history and the lessons we have learned together, reviewing evidence and experiences of what works and what matters. And we’ll be inviting contributions from those closest to the challenge, with lived experience and expertise who will challenge us and encourage us in the right direction. 

Don’t miss the first of this series with conversation starters including from Sarah Johnson, ISPHERE at Heriot-Watt University. We are looking forward to seeing you at The Very Best of Intentions on 6 December 10-12. Book here. 

Homeless Network Scotland AGM 2022


On Tuesday 4 October 2022 at 13:00 in the Jura Room, Crowne Plaza, Glasgow G3 8QT 

Homeless Network Scotland’s Annual General Meeting 2022 will take place at the Crowne Plaza, Glasgow on Tuesday 4 October at 1.00 pm.  

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Full members will also be invited to elect the Board of Trustees and Directors of Homeless Network Scotland for the year ahead.

If you are a full member and would like to stand for election to the Board of Homeless Network Scotland, you can find a nomination form here. Please return by email to jhiggins@homelessnetwork.scot by 12 noon on Wednesday 28 September 2022

If you are not already a member of Homeless Network Scotland and want to vote at the AGM or stand for election to the Board – it’s quick and easy to join us. You will find a membership form here with full details.

Former UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Housing will be Home for 10

Leilani Farha, former UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Housing, will visit Scotland in autumn to provide a keynote at Scotland’s annual homelessness conference.

Ms Farha is Global Director of The Shift, an international movement to secure the right to housing which works with multi-level stakeholders around the world including with several city governments in North America and Europe. She brings a unique set of knowledge and experience to share with colleagues in Scotland, including through her topical reports on homelessness, the financialization of housing, informal settlements, rights-based housing strategies, and the first UN Guidelines for the implementation of the right to housing.

With the conference programme launching today, Home for 10 is the title of this year’s event from Homeless Network Scotland which brings together the sectors and services in Scotland that are committed to adequate housing and preventing homelessness in Scotland.

Taking place on 4 October in Glasgow, the conference is marking ten years since the removal of the priority need test in Scotland; the result of progressive legislation from the Scottish Parliament which created an almost universal right to housing in Scotland, with exceptions as a consequence of immigration legislation reserved to UK Government.

But the 2012 commitment did not end homelessness in Scotland. Rights were seen to leverage action, accountability and help increase expectations – but on their own were not enough when efforts to prevent homelessness had not been widescale or early enough or the supply of affordable housing sufficient enough.

With 2032 the target date for 110,000 new affordable homes in Scotland, many are eyeing the opportunity to align this more realistic housing investment with new duties to prevent homelessness – to assure everyone has a home to build and live their lives.

The conference will welcome Shona Robison MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government who will encourage the conference to ‘stay on track’ toward the ambition of ending homelessness in Scotland. And Kevin Stewart MSP, Minister for Mental Wellbeing & Social Care, will comment on how the National Care Service can improve housing and wellbeing outcomes.

All this will be explored across the day in three themed segments:

  • Making the Shift: a focus on housing rights, options, supply and access. And the financialisaton of housing and what it means for Scotland’s long-term vision set out in Housing to 2040.
  • Stemming the Tide: a focus on the factors that make up the cost-of-living crisis, how it links to housing and homelessness prevention – and the correcting action we need to take.
  • Rewriting Social Care: a focus on the opportunities and dilemmas of a National Care Service in Scotland. Change of this size also offers the chance to rewrite the language around social care to put people first.

Plus, four breakout sessions will provide an opportunity for immersive conversation in smaller groups:

  • The Art of Advocacy and Activism
  • Ask About Housing
  • Measuring What Matters
  • No Wrong Door

Maggie Brunjes, Chief Executive of Homeless Network Scotland, said:

“Home for 10 is shaping up to be an event that meets the moment. The homelessness sector in Scotland will go on record in terms of the swiftness and effectiveness of its response during the pandemic. But there are stubborn issues, and new threats on the horizon that are stalling progress in ensuring everyone has a home to build and live their lives.

“It is important to keep learning about what works and what matters. As well as a phenomenal range of speakers and contributors on the day, we will be publishing a special collection of insights and provocations from key experts – across policy, practice, personal experience and academia – on the mistakes made, the hard-won progress, and what needs to happen next.”

Keynotes and special guests confirmed include:

  • Darren (Loki) McGarvey, Author
  • Dani Garavelli, Journalist
  • Martin Boyle, Associate at Homeless Network Scotland
  • Catriona Mackean, Deputy Director at Scottish Government
  • Alex Fox OBE, Chief Executive of Mayday Trust
  • Ryan MacDonald, Housing Options Scotland
  • Alison Kennedy, East Ayrshire Council
  • Mark Cairney, Associate of Homeless Network Scotland.
  • Bryony Shannon, Blogger
  • Suzie Mcilloney, South Ayrshire Council

You can view the full programme here and book your ticket here.

All in for Change National Roadshow 

The Change Team are going on tour! 

To find out what progress people are seeing towards ending homelessness in Scotland. As part of their mission to help bring policy decisions closer to the real change people are experiencing on the ground, they want to talk to you.

This national conversation will influence policy and strategy at national and local level, to help end homelessness in Scotland. If you and your colleagues work to support people experiencing homelessness, come and join us at one of 5 workshops, and tell us what is working, and what is getting in the way. 

Book your place to join in the conversation! 
Find out more at www.allinforchange.scot
And please share this invite to anyone who might be interested.

Download a poster (PDF)

5 Workshops – join us in person!

It is free to join these workshops. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

A £20 Tesco voucher will be available for anyone who is using homeless services.

Book a place or email ChangeTeam@homelessnetwork.scot or call 0141 420 7272 

Tuesday 30 August 12.00 – 15.00

Thursday 1 September 12.00 – 15.00

Thursday 8 September 10.00 – 13.00

Monday 12 September 12.00 – 15.00

Thursday 15 September 12.00 – 15.00