This is the moment
to think and act big.
The Everyone Home collective came together at the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in spring 2020.
We represent a collective of nearly 40 third and academic sector organisations with our full focus on housing and homelessness in Scotland.
At 2024, we continue to collaborate to mitigate the range of crises impacting heavily on housing and homelessness, including the housing emergency, cost of living crisis and international conflict.
Our route-maps provided a way forward on the big questions:
1. Ending the need for night shelters and hotel provision in Scotland
2. Our ambition to end destitution and protect human rights (NRPF)
3. Can the Scottish Parliament come two terms with homelessness?
4. A route-map to protect homes in communities across Scotland
5. A route forward for the private rented sector (PRS)
Read our consultation responses:
Response to the Scottish Government consultation on temporary accommodation standards
Response to the Scottish Government consultation on A New Deal for Tenants Draft Strategy
Response to the Scottish Government consultation on new duties to prevent homelessness
Housing, Homelessness and the National Care Service: A Joint Position
Response to the Scottish Government draft national plan for ending the need for food banks
Response to the Scottish Government new Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy
View our video campaign to get #EveryoneHome
Everyone Home is a collaboration between: