Our news

Connect, learn and act on
homelessness to help
end it for good

June Network Briefing

This month you’ll find a wide range of reports and research on subjects including rural poverty, wealth inequality, stigma and support for women experiencing homelessness, as well as learning opportunities and first details of Scotland’s annual homelessness conference. Be sure to check out details of our upcoming Members’ Forum event…

GHIFT blog: Why I’m All in for Glasgow

All in for Glasgow is facilitated by Homeless Network Scotland to co-design a blueprint for services people in the city affected by homelessness need during the cost of living crisis and beyond. Commissioners, service providers and people with lived experience are working together in a series of design sessions to…

May Network Briefing

This month you’ll find analysis of ways to deliver more affordable homes, a raft of research and reports on the linked issues of health, housing and homelessness, a Covid-19 Inquiry invitation, commentary on recent political upheaval, news of All in For Glasgow, and much more.

West Dunbartonshire declares housing emergency

A housing emergency has been declared in West Dunbartonshire amid unprecedented pressures on the ability to meet the needs of those in social housing or seeking a council property. The local authority said Housing and communities Convener Councillor Gurpreet Singh Johal made the declaration and urged the Scottish Government to…