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homelessness to help
end it for good

Housing First in focus: Glasgow

From 31 tenancies in 2018 to 318 total tenancies today, Housing First has scaled up in Glasgow, providing homes with flexible support for people whose homelessness is complex and often tied up with issues including mental health and addiction. The city’s Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) works successfully with…

July 2024 Network Briefing

This month’s briefing features details of this year’s annual homelessness conference – a 2-day event for the first time with the theme Right Here, Right Now. You’ll also find news of an event to launch the Supported Housing Task and Finish Group’s final report, responses to the Housing Bill and the housing…

Homelessness guidance films for health staff

More effort and targeted approaches are often needed to ensure health and social care for people experiencing homelessness is available, accessible, and provided to the same standards and quality enjoyed by everyone, according to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Based on that key principle, NICE produced a guideline…

‘Housing First is our best tool to combat homelessness’

A homelessness expert in the US has written about the successes and challenges of Housing First in Washington State – also providing an insight into how Housing First is viewed there. Writing in The Seattle Times, Paul Carlson says: “The persistence of homelessness frustrates everyone, no matter your politics, beliefs…