No Choice Without Options Delegate Pack

No Choice Without Options Delegate Pack Choices Programme 2021 Sponsors, Speakers & Delegates Shared Spaces FINAL Research Report Shared Spaces POLICY POSITION Fair Way Scotland The Homeless Monitor Scotland National Care Service Consultation All in for Change National Conversation Ending Homelessness Together: annual report 2021

Choice and options in homeless response

Scotland’s annual conference looking in detail at the causes of and solutions to homelessness takes place next week from 5 – 7 October. The theme of choice runs through this year’s varied programme covering topics from the housing we want to live in, to the area we want to settle and the support we want to tap into as Covid continues to have an impact on housing and…

A small organisation making a big impact

A busy first half of 2021 for Homeless Network Scotland included hosting the sector’s largest gatherings online, expansion of All In For Change – Scotland’s lived experience experts – and consolidation of the Everyone Home Collective, which now includes more than 30 third sector and academic organisations concerned about homelessness….