What will you learn in 2023?

Every day’s a learning day  Closer to home:a place-based approach to preventing homelessness  All homelessness starts in a community, so a place-based approach to preventing it happening is part of a wider shift towards employing assets that already exist in communities to improve wellbeing, address poverty and prevent homelessness. The…

Blog: The Very Best of Intentions

Homeless Network Scotland launched the first of a series of conversations that will continue through 2023. The growing pressure of the ‘permacrisis’ mobilised a wide range of voluntary action, in city centres and communities, to help people most affected. But with no benchmark or guidelines on delivering this – how…

Go well, David Kidd

Homeless Network Scotland are today bidding the fondest farewell to David Kidd as he moves on to Scottish community justice organisation Sacro. David has been been an important and popular part of our team for over 12 years and so it provides us with some consolation that we’ll be able…

Staying In

All homelessness starts in a community. But not all communities are at equal risk. Homeless Network Scotland wanted to test a new approach to tackle the uneven distribution of homelessness risk, at the heart of the places most affected by it. We set about to test what happens when ‘subject…