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We Are All In offers learning and development services to those working in and around housing and homelessness – all informed by lived experience and the latest policy and evidence. In our Learning Lounge select from popular courses that are updated regularly. While our Sounding Board offers consultancy services to help progress your priorities.

Upcoming Courses:

  • Closer to home: a place-based approach to preventing homelessness >>
  • Rough guide to homelessness policy & legislation in Scotland >>
  • The unequal risk: equality in housing and homelessness >>

The Housing Minister meets All in for Change

Members of All in for Change were delighted to be invited to meet new Housing Minister Paul McLennan this month. Having built positive working relationships with his predecessors, the team were clear that this was to be the first of many conversations, and focused on building a relationship that would have impact.

To bring the Minister up to speed on the work of All in for Change, the team shared the key messages from the last national roadshow, ‘Taking the Temperature’. The team informed the Minister that people are seeing progress, despite increasing pressure on the system due to housing challenges, covid recovery and the cost of living crisis.

The team had four asks to close the implementation gap between our progressive homelessness policy and the reality of homelessness services on the ground:

  1. Put people first by ensuring services are person-led, designed to meet the needs of people who are accessing support rather than designed to meet the needs of the systems or the organisations that work in the system.
  2. Less competitive tendering with a shift towards ethical commissioning models that encourage partnership between services. Longer funding cycles will allow longer contracts, more stability for practitioners and better relationships with the people they support.
  3. Better, fairer housing with more innovative approaches to increase the supply of good quality social housing and to create real choice in where people can live and build a good life. This would alleviate the pressure on temporary accommodation, meaning fewer transitions for people and a faster resolution to their experience of homelessness.
  4. Support for frontline workers because to provide quality services we need practitioners who are supported and empowered. This includes paying good wages, providing training, encouraging reflective practice, making people feel part of a team. More investment in staff wellbeing, keeping caseloads low to prevent burnout.

The Minister welcomed these messages “from the ground” and encouraged the team to continue bringing life to these issues through their personal and professional testimony. It was clear from the very beginning that the Minister shares the same values as the Change Team, he wants to understand what’s happening in reality as well as in policy and legislation. The Change Team are the perfect mechanism for this information to flow from communities back to the Minister, which is an exciting opportunity for both parties.

Going forward, the Change Team have highlighted four areas of focus and shared these with the Minister to get his take:

  • Homelessness prevention as a focus given the new prevention duties on public bodies to Ask & Act, and how those without a duty can strengthen efforts to prevent homelessness closer to home, in communities.
  • The team want to focus energy on influencing across the country to improve the quality and reduce the scale and use of temporary accommodation in Scotland.
  • In order to reduce the use of temporary accommodation we need increased housing supply, particularly in areas where there is significant housing pressure.
  • And encompassing all of the above, the team will be focusing on the No Wrong Door concept, advocating for stronger coordinated working between different services, with clearer pathways for those most at risk and no one turned away.

It seems that All in for Change and the Housing Minister are very much on the same page, with Minister McLennan sharing details of his future plans, including setting up a cross-ministerial oversight group which will be a strong catalyst for creating a system with no wrong door.

If the aim going into this meeting was to begin a positive relationship, the number of smiling faces at the end of the meeting would indicate a success! The Minister has asked to come back to All in for Change in a few weeks time to continue pushing forward towards the reality set out in the Ending Homelessness Together Action Plan.

Watch this space.

The role of  neighbourhood partnerships in preventing homelessness 

In communities across Scotland, there are people who are proactive and committed to local housing and local people. How can we harness and provide a structure to support this huge asset? 

That was the focus of a meeting that Homeless Network Scotland and Associates with first-hand experience of homelessness hosted with Bailie Paul McCabe from the Linn ward and Councillor Sean Ferguson from the Newlands/Auldburn ward in Glasgow.  

Bailie McCabe and Cllr Ferguson were keen to explore how preventing homelessness starts in our communities. One key area of interest was the role of local area partnerships and how this structure could help support the work we and many others are doing.  

Area partnerships have a unique position in the local community that they represent, connecting with the wides range of people from elected members, anchor organisations, HSCPs, community trusts, police, fire, and local people, who are all trying to improve the area and make it a better place to live. 

The new Housing Bill being introduced by Parliament later this year will include new legal duties on public bodies to ASK (about housing) and ACT (on the information you are given). While most community groups, connectors and champions won’t have any legal duty on them, a similar approach could be successfully adopted.  

So, our discussion centred on the role we could all play in making sure communities across the city are aware of the new duties and the impact that they can make. And how we support individuals and groups who don’t have a legal duty, but who want to help, to mirror the ‘ask and act’ duties and help protect homes and prevent homelessness. 

You can read more about the impact of taking a place-based approach to prevent homelessness from happening here. 

Fine Tuned: striking the right chord homelessness in Scotland

About the conference

Everything rests on housing. Our wellbeing and how we experience equality and opportunity. And the happiness and success of our communities and wider society rests on housing too.

But it is difficult to remember a time when global, UK and national events have aligned so acutely and with so much pressure on our local housing systems in Scotland.

The housing, homelessness and refugee sectors know this. Among the most informed, ambitious and committed professional sectors in Scotland – and who are now relied upon to unlock solutions to unprecedented challenges.

So, what do we need – and what more can we do – to fine-tune our partnerships, improvise solutions, scale up what works, and strike the right chord on ending homelessness? How can we be more brave – and be more human?

Highlights will include:

Paul McLennan MSP, Minister for Housing

And much more. Fine Tuned is shaping up to be an event that meets the moment. Please save the date and watch this space for the programme launch and more speaker announcements.

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