The Shared Spaces research now underway in Scotland will assist local authorities and partners delivering local Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans (RRTPs). The research starts from the basis that even in the best managed homelessness systems, with adequate access to affordable and suitable housing, there may be a requirement for other housing options, either while settled accommodation is sourced or decisions are made with people about their medium-to-long-term preferences. But what type, how much – and in what conditions are shared options optimum?
The Shared Spaces research group includes representatives from local and national government, academia and the third sector and launches as part of The Homeless Network Scotland annual conference at a session on Thursday 22 October starting at 2.30pm. It is made possible by our research partners, Action for Children, Turning Point Scotland and Crisis.
Beth Watts, Chair of Shared Spaces and Senior Research Fellow at I-SPHERE, said: “This is an important discussion in the context of Scotland’s commitment to rapid rehousing and Housing First, which will become the default response to homelessness as local authorities implement their rapid rehousing transition plans. At this early stage our priority is to ensure different voices have a chance to contribute to a conversation on shared and supported accommodation. I look forward to chairing this group over the next few months.”
Supported Accommodation is also commonly called supported housing, resettlement or move on projects. It should provide a safe housing option when people do not want a mainstream tenancy of their own or would benefit from access to onsite support. In areas where there is pressure on the housing market supported accommodation is frequently utilised when someone neither needs nor wants that level of support. The research aims to define and firm up the role of supported housing in Scotland and will report in the first half of next year.