26 February 2020 | Glasgow City Chambers | FREE
This event fully booked within hours of opening. Doing what we can to create more spaces – so please keep adding your name to the waiting list.
Our team may be in touch if you booked multiple tickets to ask if a few might be released.
View the Programme (PDF)
Book online or call 0141 420 7272 or email hello@homelessnetwork.scot
Connect, Learn & Act
on street homelessness in Glasgow
Please join us at this important summit and be part of a new conversation that will lead to new efforts to consign rough sleeping in Glasgow to history.
Having no roof at all is the most dangerous form of homelessness and it affects us all. It is a risk that no-one should have to take – yet people who endure it have often braved the toughest times and been most disadvantaged by the constant pressures of being skint, an inadequate benefit system and insecure housing.
We all have a right to housing, to dignity and privacy and a safe base from which to build and live our lives.
We all agree it is absolutely unacceptable in a modern city that rough sleeping happens – so what can we all do better to stop it?
Who is this event for?
All local groups and services – big and small – this really needs you!
We especially want to connect with people with frontline responsibilities giving direct support and advice to people sleeping rough in Glasgow. This includes outreach teams, GCHSCP caseworkers, housing officers, health providers, law centres, community safety officers, on-street support and food providers.
And people with experience of rough sleeping, now or in the past – what can we learn from you? Your lunch and travel expenses will be provided, along with a £10 thank-you for your time (please make sure you book your place for this).
If you want to step up and be part of a new approach, please book your place quickly.
We look forward to welcoming you.