Rapid rehousing
What change do we want?
We are acting on what works and what matters. All in.
Housing first
In line with the recommendations from the Local
Government and Communities Committee of the Scottish
Parliament and the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping
Action Group, the Scottish Government is committed to a
transition to Rapid Rehousing for all homelessness
households, with Housing First becoming the first
response for people experiencing severe and multiple

Transition plans
Through local Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans all local authorities will deliver a transition to Rapid Rehousing that means:
A settled, mainstream housing outcome as quickly as possible;
Time spent in any form of temporary accommodation is reduced to a minimum, with the fewer transitions the better; and When temporary accommodation is needed, the optimum type is mainstream, furnished and within a local community.
Guidance for Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans (RRTPs) confirmed that they will be aligned with and/or integrated into:
Local Outcome Improvement Plans
Strategic Housing Investment Plans
Health and Social Care Strategic Plans
And while Scotland transitions to Rapid Rehousing,
significant level of change is required to transform our
approach to temporary accommodation including:
Amending legislation to extend the Unsuitable
Accommodation Order to all homeless households (not just households children and/or pregnant women); developing a set of legally enforceable standards for temporary accommodation across the country.

Shared Spaces
Shared Spaces research will look at current provision in supported accommodation, as well as any deficit and the mechanisms for integrating this type of accommodation with the rapid rehousing approach that’s being rolled out across all 32 local authority areas.
- Shared Spaces Final Research Report
September 2021 - Shared Spaces Policy Position
The future role of supported housing to prevent and respond to homelessness in Scotland
October 2021