Policy and Research Timeline
2018: The transition to Rapid Rehousing and Housing First became the cornerstone of the joint Scottish Government and COSLA Ending Homelessness Together plan. This created the need to redefine the role of supported housing as a response to homelessness in Scotland.
2020: Homeless Network Scotland commissioned a significant qualitative research project led by Anna Evans at Indigo House which asked:
- In what circumstances, if any, is shared or supported accommodation the appropriate housing option for households experiencing homelessness?
- What should the shared and supported accommodation options required in these circumstances look like?
- What is the likely scale of such shared and supported accommodation options likely to be in the future?
- How well placed are local authorities and service providers to adopt these housing options at the scale required?
2021: The Research Advisory Group, chaired by Dr Beth Watts-Cobbe from I-SPHERE at Heriot-Watt University, published this research alongside a policy position setting out next steps.
- Shared Spaces Policy Position
Policy Position from the Research Advisory Group, October 2021
- Shared Spaces Final Research Report
Research Led by Indigo House, October 2021
2022: The Scottish Government/COSLA Homelessness Prevention and Strategy Group appointed a ‘Task and Finish’ Group to act on this evidence and make recommendations on the role that shared and supported housing should play in Scotland’s plan to end homelessness. Homeless Network Scotland co-chaired the group with the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations. The group met 7 times over 14 months.
2024: The Supported Housing Task and Finish Group published their final report and recommendations in July 2024.