All in for Change National Roadshow 

The Change Team are going on tour! 

To find out what progress people are seeing towards ending homelessness in Scotland. As part of their mission to help bring policy decisions closer to the real change people are experiencing on the ground, they want to talk to you.

This national conversation will influence policy and strategy at national and local level, to help end homelessness in Scotland. If you and your colleagues work to support people experiencing homelessness, come and join us at one of 5 workshops, and tell us what is working, and what is getting in the way. 

Book your place to join in the conversation! 
Find out more at
And please share this invite to anyone who might be interested.

Download a poster (PDF)

5 Workshops – join us in person!

It is free to join these workshops. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

A £20 Tesco voucher will be available for anyone who is using homeless services.

Book a place or email or call 0141 420 7272 

Tuesday 30 August 12.00 – 15.00

Thursday 1 September 12.00 – 15.00

Thursday 8 September 10.00 – 13.00

Monday 12 September 12.00 – 15.00

Thursday 15 September 12.00 – 15.00

Spotlight on drug-related deaths – and potential solutions 

Michelle Major, Improvement Lead with Homeless Network Scotland summarises new data on early mortality among people experiencing multiple disadvantage, the latest data on drug related deaths in Scotland and the solutions put forward by the Scottish Drug Deaths Taskforce.

Every day in Scotland, three people suffer a drug-related death. Each death is a personal tragedy for them, their friends and families, their communities – and every one of them is preventable. The National Records of Scotland’s latest report shows that in 2021, 1330 deaths were drug-related in Scotland, and while this is 9 fewer deaths than in 2020, it is still the second highest annual total on record. Of all drug deaths recorded in Scotland, 84% involved opiates, and 69% involved benzodiazepines. In 93% of all drug deaths, more than one drug was found to be present. In Scotland, men are 2.4 times as likely to have a drug related death than women, however over time this gap has decreased; in the early 2000s males were more than 4 times more likely to die from drug misuse than females.

Scotland’s drug related death rate is nearly 4 times higher than the UK as a whole and higher than that of any European country – making it a national crisis and now, according to Scottish Governement, a national mission. It is notable that within Scotland, people in the most deprived areas are over 15 times more likely to die from drug misuse than those in the least deprived areas. This deeply embeds the roots of the crisis in poverty, inequality and trauma – exacerbated by cumulative policy and clinical decisions over recent decades.

A new study from Dr Emily Tweed at Glasgow University also highlights the high number of avoidable deaths amongst people experiencing multiple disadvantage in Scotland. Experiences of homelessness, justice involvement, opioid dependence and psychosis often co-occur and the population of people experiencing these issues is growing and aging. This new research suggests that those who experience more than one of these disadvantages are most at risk of premature and avoidable death.

All this means that the recent efforts to understand and create solutions to alleviate the crisis are very welcome and much needed, with key reports published in recent weeks. Over the last three years, the Scottish Drug Deaths Taskforce have listened to the voices of people from across Scotland and beyond – people with experience of using drugs, families, service providers, community representatives, those in our justice and emergency services, academics and many more. Their stories have been heard and learned from. Combined with findings from an examination of the evidence base, these stories and experiences are at the heart of the recommendations and actions from the Taskforce. The final report, Changing Lives, was published on 21 July and includes recommendations for a No Wrong Door approach to accesssing services. Taking a No Wrong Door approach means breaking down traditional silos between services and sectors so that there is easier access to the treatment and support that people want. This is critically important.

Reporting on the Changing Lives report, Scottish Housing News highlighted the recommendation that Scottish Government should continue to support Housing First and scale up the approach across all Scottish local authorities, and that learning from the Housing First model could be used to support the design of other services. With a strong evidence base, Housing First has a high success rate for people whose homelessness is made harder by experiences including addiction and trauma. The nature of the support is open-ended and flexible, is not dependent on abstinence to access secure, permanent housing, and the model is based on a set of principles, one of which is harm reduction.

The extent to which the law can be leveraged to reverse the drug deaths crisis has been explored in different ways too. The Taskforce produced a Drug Law Reform report in September 2021 which focused on how existing drug legislation, a matter reserved to UK government, affects the public health approach that needs to be taken in Scotland. In July 2022, Turning Point Scotland launched a campaign advocating action on drug law reform and the limitations of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. Meanwhile, the Scottish Conservatives focused on the powers that the Scottish Parliament has to legislate in this area, publishing and consulting on a proposed Member’s Bill in 2021 called the Right to Addiction Recovery (Scotland) Bill. The proposed bill was developed with activist organisation Favor UK and associates with direct experience of addiction, recovery and of different treatment options. This lived experience lens and expertise, alongside our belief in the importance of rights to redress disadvantage, led Homeless Network Scotland to be among the 78% of respondents who supported the bill when the final proposal was lodged with the Scottish Parliament in May 2022. It has subsequently gained enough support in parliament for the Scottish Conservatives to introduce a Member’s Bill which will go through the relevant stages for new Bills in the Scottish Parliament.

Involving people affected by problem substance use is important for a human rights-based approach to policy making. The Scottish Government has made an important commitment to put people with lived and living experience at the heart of the National Mission to reduce drug related deaths. This approach aims to empower people so that their voices and their rights are acted on in decision-making. Professor Allan Miller, an internationally recognised human rights leader, will be leading on this work and will bring together people affected by drugs and alcohol alongside people who provide services to form the National Collaborative. The National Collaborative will make recommendations to government and will make decisions independently. There is an open invitation for people to nominate themselves or others to be part of the Change Team of the National Collaborative, and for groups who are well placed to advise the National Collaborative to put themselves forward as reference groups. More information and an expression of interest form can be found here.

While there is much to be done to tackle the high rate of drug related deaths in Scotland, when we understand the causes and contributing factors, we are better placed to create solutions and conditions that help.

Home for 10 – Scotland’s Annual Homelessness Conference

After such a momentous period, it is our special pleasure to host Scotland’s annual homelessness conference and to warmly invite you to join us on 4 October 2022 at the waterfront Crowne Plaza, Glasgow.

A day of inspring speakers, focused breakout sessions – plenty of debate and discussion, and hopefully a few surprises too.

About the Conference

2022 marks ten years since the removal of the priority need test in Scotland.

It was called the 2012 target – or 2012 commitment. It was the result of progressive legislation passed by the Scottish Parliament in 2003 meaning local authorities would have a duty to provide every person who was was not ‘intentionally’ homeless a home by 2012.

It was more than a legal change. It was a huge culture change which accepted that all of us – not some of us – are in urgent and priority need for housing when experiencing homelessness.

But the 2012 target did not end homelessness in Scotland. And for two main reasons. Efforts to prevent homelessness have not been widescale or early enough. And because not all areas have been able to guarantee housing supply and turnover in the places that people want to live.

2032 is the target for 110,000 new affordable homes in Scotland. This is the agreed number that is needed to ensure everyone has the home they need. Which, for almost all of us, is an ordinary home in an ordinary community. And across this period, new duties to prevent homelessness – right across the wider public sector – are expected to be enacted and implemented.

Can we dare to imagine a scenario where the combination of new prevention duties and new affordable housing over the next 10 years will ensure everyone has the home they need? What else needs stacked up for all areas to reduce and ultimately end homelessness? And importantly, what more needs done to help people affected by homelessness today?

Home for 10 will spotlight what the last 10 years has taught us and debate how this should influence the 10 years ahead. And explore some other important ‘tens’ too, including:


  • Launched at the conference, a compilation of insights from diverse experts reflecting on 10 years gone and anticipating the 10 years ahead.
  • A new deal for tenants and a cost of living crisis; the urgent need to end evictions into homelessness.


  • How do we know we are getting closer to ending homelessness? What does it look like and how do we measure it?
  • Can a National Care Service help get better housing outcomes?


  • What matters most to colleagues in direct support and advice roles.
  • Reframing words and images that blame people.
  • Advocacy and activism alongside people: when patience isn’t a virtue.

Housing First monitoring report: year one quarter four

This report captures data for Housing First tenancies which started in Scotland from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022.

Key Points

  • A total of 83 new Housing First tenancies started between 1 January and 31 March 2022. A further 11 tenancies had begun between July and December 2021 which had not been captured in previous reports. This brings the total number of Housing First tenancies which started since 1 April 2021 to 318.
  • There are currently 310 Housing First tenancies: 8 tenancies have ended.
  • 14 tenancies are in the ‘step down’ or ‘stand down’ phase.[1]
  • Within the 310 Housing First tenancies there are 318 adults and 18 children. Additionally, 36 households had access to 53 children but do not have full-time custody.
  • Between 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022, it has taken an average of 181 days for a Housing First participant to move into a permanent tenancy from the referral date.
  • 30% of Housing First participants move into their tenancy within 50 days.
  • 94% of Housing First households are single people.
  • 43% of participants are aged 35-49.
  • 70% of participants are receiving support from the third and independent sector.

Read the report Housing First monitoring report: year one quarter four

Training with We are All In

‘We are All In’ is a social enterprise for the housing and homelessness sector. A relevant range of online training opportunities are also available in the Learning Lounge. Book or find out more here, or call us on 0141 420 7272 to discuss bespoke training or consultancy services.

Coming up

Rough guide to homelessness policy & legislation in Scotland | 19 & 20 April 2022
Reach out: great relationships supporting people at home and online | 25 & 26 April 2022

Closer to Home: a place-based approach to preventing homelessness | 10 May 2022
We are all in: including and involving people | 17 May 2022

Rough guide to homelessness policy & legislation in Scotland | 14 & 15 June 2022
Reach out: great relationships supporting people at home and online | 21 & 22 June 2022
Scotland’s transition to Rapid Rehousing | 28 June 2022