Learning Lounge Open For Bookings 2021

Our Learning Lounge for January-March 2021 training courses is now open for bookings.

Our 2021 knowledge and learning prospectus uses the technology we have all become familiar with in recent months, such as video conferencing and webinars, to compensate for being unable to serve up more traditional training in person. Each session is interactive, fast paced and participatory as well as using the most up to date evidence and research from across the sector.

Most importantly our new menu of training includes new ingredients, drawing on what we have learned since March 2020, as an organisation and as a sector. You will find respected and popular favourites plus brand new options.

Take a look at our training brochure here and book your place here. You can also subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates about future courses.

One year of being ‘All In For Change’

December 2020 marked one year since 30 people with their own personal stories of homelessness, from working in the sector and living the experience, came together to form All In For Change. This is the first such group in Scotland combining both lived and professional experience.

After a busy and particularly challenging first year the Change Team continue to play a major part in helping shape homelessness policy and practice, including the Scottish Government’s updated Ending Homelessness Together Action Plan.

Change Team members are drawn from across Scotland – experts in what homelessness looks like on the ground for those most affected by it. The team use clear language and an open and accessible, collaborative working approach to bridge the gap between decision makers, people working in services and people making use of services, as part of a joined-up effort to end homelessness in Scotland.

As with any coproduction process, the group have embraced their different perspectives and experiences and have been ironing out the details as the programme evolves. But few could have predicted just how flexible the team would become – adapting to remote working online, taking on fast moving and rapidly evolving priorities caused by the pandemic.

Derek Jaffray, Change Lead, has personal lived experience of homelessness and reflects the view of many in the team, saying:   

“Being part of the Change Team has given me a real sense of purpose, it’s been an important part of my recovery and helped my mental health. I have had some great opportunities to influence those at the top and I feel proud to be called a Change Lead.”

Kevin Stewart MSP, Scottish Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning, said:

“Congratulations to the Change Team for all their hard work over this past year and reaching its first birthday. I was pleased that the updated Ending Homelessness Together High-Level Action Plan, published in October, included the voices of people who are most directly impacted.

“We will continue to ensure that the voices of people with lived experience, like those from the Change Team and our colleagues working on the frontline, are at the heart of what we are doing to end homelessness. We remain committed to working closely with and listening to the Change Team in the months and years ahead.” 

Maggie Brünjes, Chief executive at Homeless Network Scotland said:
“What a year – and what a team! Congratulations to everyone in the Change Team for all that’s been accomplished during such a difficult year. Influencers, change-makers and reality checkers – we are so inspired by everything you have achieved.”

The Change Team continue to play a major part in influencing the new plan to end homelessness in Scotland, recommending that 4 New Directions are needed: People First; At Home; No Wrong Door; Good Vibes. These new directions were created from the actions set out in both the original (2018) and updated Ending Homelessness Together Action Plan. Their purpose is to create clear goals to ensure changes in homelessness policy are being translated into practice.

Shelly Coyne, Cyrenians, said:
“Cyrenians is proud to be involved in leading this programme with HNS and SCDC and enabling people with first-hand experienced to have a seat at the policy table. Reflecting on this first year, it is humbling to see the enthusiasm and passion the team have for change in Scotland and the drive for the challenges ahead in 2021 and in the future.”

Susan Paxton, Head of Programmes, SCDC, said:

“It’s been a privilege to work with such a diverse and talented group of people as the Change Team over the past year. It’s clear that their hard work is paying off by the strong relationships they’re managing to build with policy makers in Scottish Government and elsewhere. There’s still a lot of work to be done, but there’s no doubt their commitment and determination to make a difference makes them critical players in the growing collaborative effort to end homelessness in Scotland.”

Significant work that has fed into policy and practice over the past year.

  • Five Calls from the Frontline – stemming from conversations had between Change Leads about the challenges the outbreak was creating for people working in homelessness services – influenced the initial action plan of the Everyone Home Collective.
  • The Change Team have been able to take their knowledge gathered on the ground and translate it into policy, using the views and concerns of their networks to inform some key conversations. This included a roundtable with MSP Kevin Stewart, where Change Leads were able to question, discuss and highlight the issues brought forward by people who work with or experience homelessness.
  • The team were asked to participate in a crossover meeting with the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group (HARSAG) as part of their consultation process to inform updated recommendations. Change Team members were able to present their priorities which then fed into the updated Ending Homelessness Together Plan.

The Change Team are supported by partner organisations, Homeless Network Scotland, Cyrenians and the Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) and is represented on the Homeless Prevention Strategy Group (HPSG) chaired by the Housing Minister, Kevin Stewart MSP.

This work is funded by the Scottish Government and the Frontline Network, from St Martin-in-the-Fields. This enables Change Leads with lived experience to be paid for their time and expertise at the real living wage.

PRESS RELEASE: Two Parliaments to End Homelessness

Thirty organisations in Scotland that care about homelessness, including charities, leading academics and people with lived experience, are today calling on political parties, MSPs and candidates in next year’s Scottish Parliament elections to get behind a ten-year plan to end homelessness.

As political parties finalise manifesto pledges and prospective candidates declare, this third Route Map to be published since the start of the pandemic by the Everyone Home Collective asks the Scottish Parliament to get behind five key asks in a 10-year commitment straddling two parliamentary terms.

The five key asks are:

• Prioritise prevention
• More homes
• End rough sleeping
• No evictions into homelessness
• Systems change

Maggie Brünjes, Chief executive at Homeless Network Scotland, said:

“Homelessness is not inevitable, or an unsolvable problem. The causes are predictable and we know who is most at risk – we can end homelessness in Scotland over two parliaments. Scotland already has a robust policy environment in place that we want to see strengthened and ramped up over the next decade to get everyone home.

“Sustaining the cross-party accord on tackling homelessness that underpins the current approach in Scotland, and continuing this into the next Parliament and beyond, would provide consistency and stability. It would enable everyone to build on progress so far and complete the infrastructure that will consign homelessness to history.”

Alison Watson, Shelter Scotland Director, said:

“Reducing affordable housing need must be a central ambition of the next Scottish Parliament. Delivering the social and affordable homes we need is the only way to tackle the root causes of rising homelessness, and it will help Scotland meet its climate targets and reduce poverty and inequality.

“Our next intake of MSPs have the power to achieve this, and it’s the single most important step they can take toward a safer, healthier, fairer future.”

Lorraine McGrath, CEO of Simon Community Scotland said:

“We have seen just how possible it is to reach, engage and resolve people’s experience of homelessness, even those facing the most extreme challenges, when the right combination of resources, partnership and the absolute will to make things happen combine. What was achieved for people experiencing rough sleeping in the early days of lockdown was remarkable, but not entirely unexpected, we have always known it was possible with the right conditions in place.

“That experience underpins this route map, making it a simple choice for our politicians.”

Janet Haugh, CEO of Ypeople, said:

“Last year Ypeople helped end homelessness for more than 3,000 people through accommodation services and community support. Since March, there has been a huge amount of work and unprecedented steps taken by local authorities and other organisations to make sure people can isolate safety during Covid-19. However, as we come through this pandemic, we risk a huge spike of people of all ages facing homelessness across Scotland.

“By working together, we can all play a role in rebuilding our local communities and end homelessness in Scotland for good.”

The 30 organisations in Everyone Home have written to all of Scotland’s political parties urging them to back the proposals contained in the latest Route Map and plan to meet their representatives in the coming weeks and months leading up to the election in May. View and download our Route Map for Scottish Parliament here.

New System Alliance Launch: Monday 30 Nov

The New System Alliance will launch on Monday, with a week-long series of online events to explore new ways forward for cross-sector system change in the UK.  

The aim of the Alliance is to provide an opportunity to listen, to be heard and to look at solutions to bring about total system change. It will act as a home for those who have felt frustrated, unheard or invisible, whether coming from a place of direct experience or working in services, funding and commissioning.  

This initiative was built on the voices heard from people trapped in this failing system. In these conversations people shared their honest experiences of homelessness, social care, mental health, and criminal justice systems – their wisdoms. The response was overwhelming, highlighting many situations where systems have become a barrier that people needed to be overcome in order to move on with their lives. 

Homeless Network Scotland are proud to join partners across the UK to support people to take control, and together make systems work better for everyone. 

Please join us to celebrate the launch of this empowering initiative by registering to attend these free events: https://newsystemalliance.org/

Acronyms Aweigh! HARSAG And EHT For Frontline Workers

Join us on Tuesday 8 December 1-4pm for our latest members’ event, Acronyms Aweigh! HARSAG and EHT for Frontline Workers.

The Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Action Group (HARSAG) made over 100 recommendations in July 2020. Scottish Government and COSLA included these in the new Ending Homelessness Together (EHT) plan published in October 2020.

We will be hosting this free reflective workshop for frontline workers from all sectors across Scotland to explore these new priorities and what they mean for people working every day in frontline roles.

We will provide an overview of the HARSAG recommendations and how these were carried into the EHT plan. And reflect together on what the four main themes – prioritise prevention, settled housing options, equalities competence and responsive systems – mean for people working in direct frontline roles.

The event will take place on Microsoft Teams, so if you wish to join us please register here.

We hope to see you there!