Housing First joint funding call to support people and families

Families are increasingly benefiting from the positive impact of Housing First Scotland, figures highlighted in a new report suggest.

The annual Check-up published by Homeless Network Scotland flags up Scottish Government figures showing there are 100 children in Housing First households against fewer than five reported in 2021 ­– hinting at the growing scope for Housing First to reunite parents and children.

This would add to proven life-changing effects of Housing First in preventing homelessness for people who face multiple disadvantages, by providing settled housing with flexible support.

But despite these promising figures the report warns the housing crisis and current funding arrangements are “actively damaging” delivery, upscaling and staffing of Housing First – amid rising demand and increasing homelessness.

The report states: “Housing First reaches people other services have not been able to reach. All this needs a steady supply of social homes.”

It says contributors have given examples of tenants engaging in the Housing First process so they can work towards having access to their children – and in time take them out of care – but adds that more data is needed to get the full picture of what is happening.

Housing First combines settled, ordinary housing in a community with flexible support – as much or as little as needed – to help a person maintain their tenancy.

The Check-up report sets out the successes and challenges in 2023-24 of Housing First across 26 local authorities, based on insights from housing and support providers, and tenants.

The report contains 14 priorities based on themes that came up again and again – covering areas such as funding, tenancy support, partnership working and staffing.

As of September 2023, 1,646 Housing First tenancies had been started since inception in Scotland. Housing First is demonstrating that 90% of tenancies are being sustained over 12 months from entry.

But the report points to analysis by Heriot-Watt University that suggests Housing First is currently only meeting around 9% of projected demand, underscoring the need for long-term funding.

In most local authorities, funding for Housing First is aligned with transition funding from Scottish Government which is temporary in nature.

In some areas this means local authorities are unable to offer Housing First workers job security, with knock-on effects on recruitment and caseload sizes.

The report highlights the urgent need for Housing First to move toward a more permanent cycle of funding so that it can be upscaled at pace. Due to the overlapping nature of people’s circumstances, a model of funding that reaches across a range of council departments is now needed to get best results – including homelessness, community justice, mental health, drug and alcohol recovery services.

The report also points to evidence of cost savings across the NHS and wider public sector delivered by Housing First and stresses the importance of all services that benefit investing in delivery.

Housing Minister Paul McLennan said: “Providing people experiencing homelessness with accommodation first, before helping with their longer term needs, is at the heart of rapid rehousing.

“The Scottish Government’s ambition is that Housing First will be the first response for people across Scotland whose homelessness is made harder by experiences with trauma, addiction and mental health difficulties.

“I welcome this report which highlights the steady progress local authorities have made in rolling-out Housing First across Scotland, with 26 local authorities now delivering the service, over 1,600 tenancies delivered, and tenancy sustainment rates of 90%.

“It is particularly profound that enabling people to maintain settled tenancies through Housing First is supporting children to return to safe homes.

“I recognise that for Housing First to achieve its full potential, a steady supply of social homes is needed and there is more to do to ensure it is available for anyone who needs it. We remain committed to working in partnership with local authorities to achieve that ambition.”

Homeless Network Scotland chief executive Maggie Brünjes said: “Housing First in Scotland is becoming internationally regarded and our local authorities and their partners deserve huge credit for branching out Housing First in the face of housing, budget and cost-of-living crises. 

“But there are thousands more people braving a range of challenges who are not getting the proven benefits of Housing First. And there are many support staff juggling complex caseloads under a shroud of job insecurity.

“This can be solved by giving more homes to Housing First and by drawing funding from across local authority budgets to mirror the range of life circumstances that Housing First meets. We can’t risk rolling back on Housing First. We need national and local leadership to help step up our efforts to extend the positive impact of Housing First to more people, families and communities.”

Read the Annual Check-up for 2023.

Housing First helps Maxine to Transform her life

Housing First is helping a woman who struggled with addiction, trauma and physical abuse to maintain a tenancy for the first time and transform her life. Maxine has been in her Dundee flat for four years following several tenancies that failed due to abandonment, non-payment of rent or anti-social behaviour. 

During one tenancy she was cuckooed, attacked and hospitalised, and she had spells staying in a temporary hostel which caused her further physical and mental anguish. 

She moved from a hostel into a flat in 2020 with support from Transform Community Development as part of the Housing First Pathfinder it led with other local organisations from 2018 to 2021. Funds once spent on hostels are now being repurposed to develop Housing First in the city. 

Despite moving closer to her mum Maxine wasn’t confident and was sceptical about the level of support she’d get – an important factor as she has fought addiction most of her adult life and suffered trauma including the overdose death of a brother. 

But members of the now rebranded Housing Support Team ensured her flat was furnished and carpeted and helped her access the treatment at Dundee Drug & Alcohol Recovery Service, something she had difficulty in sustaining previously.  

Maxine also got help with household budgeting and was supported to be a good neighbour and attend urgent medical appointments.  

Her support level has dwindled from 20-plus hours of direct support from her Housing Support Worker each week to a couple of hours a week, and this will be stepped down to a lower-level support team in the coming months.  

But if Maxine’s needs increase, she can re-enter the Housing First programme without further assessment – showing the flexibility and participant-focused nature of the support.   

This approach also allows the Housing Support Team to reallocate support hours and free up a Housing Support Worker for a new tenant. 

Maxine has now taken up meaningful activity including engaging with a community arts programme, which has given her social connections outwith her previous network.  

The Housing Support Team works actively with over 90 people, providing innovative and intensive support to those who are homeless or threatened with homelessness. 

Transform Community Development took forward mainstreaming of Housing First in Dundee at the end of Social Bite’s involvement in the programme, using an innovative and far-sighted strategy to develop and expand the programme. 

The charity works with Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership and Dundee City Council to develop services in alignment with the local Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan. 

#AllinForChange on road again to Take Temperature of homelessness

The All in For Change team of people with personal and professional experience of homelessness is touring Scotland again to find out what’s happening on the ground in services against a backdrop of unprecedented housing pressures.

The Change team will hold free events in Aberdeen, Greenock, Falkirk, Kirkcaldy and Clydebank on the Taking the Temperature National Roadshow – where they will hear about local issues and solutions before sharing their findings with the Scottish Government.

They want to meet and learn from frontline workers and people who have experienced homelessness as well as local authority staff, managers and councillors. And they are keen for people working in health, social care, social work, addiction and criminal justice to come along — the events are open to anyone who can share their insights.

Prevention is a key theme of the roadshow, as new duties in the upcoming Housing Bill will require the wider public sector to intervene earlier to stop people becoming homeless. The Change Team played a key role in developing the ‘Ask and Act’ duties.

Housing supply and use of temporary accommodation are also up for discussion at the free informal events in February and March.

The team is made up of people who know what homelessness looks and feels like through lived or frontline work experience. Homeless Network Scotland and Cyrenians facilitate All in For Change, which is funded by the Scottish Government and Frontline Network.

Roadshow tour dates

  • Aberdeenshire Council HQ (in Aberdeen) — Tuesday, 20 February    
  • Greenock, Old Auction Rooms — Thursday, 22 February
  • Kirkcaldy, Fife, New Volunteer House — Tuesday, 5 March
  • Falkirk, Arnotdale House — Thursday, 7 March
  • Clydebank, Awestruck Academy — Thursday, 14 March

Suzie McIlloney, Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan Officer at South Ayrshire Council, is also a member of the Change Team.

She said: “We must listen and really hear what people are telling us through their experiences of homelessness. The Roadshows offer an opportunity for further insight into where we can do better but also what worked well.

“Travelling in the direction of being trauma informed and trauma responsive, we need to remind ourselves that when facing uncertainties, people need caring and compassionate connections.

“I got involved with the All in For Change Team because I see the value in bringing policymaking and lived experience together to drive forward real change.

“The more opportunities we have to work closer together, the better the outcomes are for people, services, and communities.

“People thrive off hope, purpose and connection and we can often overlook the significant role communities play in this. I believe everyone should have a place of their own to call home, it is the foundation for people to thrive and live well.

“There is an appetite for change so let’s not lose momentum.”

Change Lead Viki Fox has experienced homelessness and is now Policy and Participation Manager with Cyrenians.

She said: “We are really excited to be hosting our second national roadshow. When I started with the Change Team back in 2019, the roadshows were a key focus as we really wanted to talk to, and learn from, others living and working within the homeless sector throughout Scotland. 

“Contexts and challenges are very different in each area and it is important that we hear this and can feed it back to the Scottish Government. 

“During the pandemic we were doing this online, but nothing beats meeting people in person and having the opportunity to learn from each other. 

“Having experienced homelessness myself and now working for Cyrenians, I know that using this knowledge and hearing about what is working well  in different localities is invaluable if we are to end homelessness in Scotland.”

Paul McLennan, Minister for Housing, said: “Since taking up office, I’ve met with many Housing Convenors across the country to hear about the issues in their area, but these are only views from one perspective.

“I’m interested to hear from people with lived experience and frontline workers, particularly in relation to the barriers they encounter.  

“As we prepare to introduce new homelessness prevention duties, I want to know what people have been through and what works in preventing homelessness from happening in the first place. I’m glad to see the roadshow locations include some more rural communities.

“I’m looking forward to joining the Change Team in Kirkcaldy and hearing some peoples’ experiences first hand.”

The Roadshow events are in five Housing Options Hubs covering local authorities including Aberdeenshire, Inverclyde, Fife, Falkirk and West Dunbartonshire.

The Team will also use the Roadshow to hear evidence of whether the 4 New Directions they have developed to reduce homelessness have been adopted – and where there are barriers.

The directions, designed to help achieve the aims of the Scottish Government Ending Homelessness Together action plan, include co-ordinating services so people don’t have to keep repeating their story when looking for support, and overturning outdated stereotypes of homelessness.

Homelessness is neither a personal choice or inevitable

Homeless Network Scotland’s chief executive Maggie Brunjes, and Prof Andrea E Williamson from the University of Glasgow co-authored an editorial in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) published this month.

It highlights the stubborn collective consciousness that continues to divorce homelessness from the larger health and economic inequality that causes it – and encourages health professionals to adopt an ‘inclusion health’ approach that can help reduce the unacceptably poor health outcomes among people affected by homelessness. Find the BMJ article here.

Fair Way Scotland: Not just a ‘fluffy’ coalition doing nice things

Fair Way Scotland is a partnership of third sector organisations which aims to combat destitution and homelessness among people denied access to support on account of their immigration status — a state of affairs driven by hostile UK Government policy.

The partnership works to provide people with safe housing in community-based properties, with linked cash payments, access to legal advice and other support. This helps people to regularise their immigration status and access work or statutory support where permitted.

Homeless Network Scotland’s new Programme Advisor Hazel MacIver shares her initial impressions of the programme and sets out how the determination and positivity of its partners, allied to the programme’s evidence-based approach, is achieving tangible results.

“It’s hard to believe that in this day and age it is actual government policy that some people who come to the UK are not allowed to access any state benefits but are also not allowed to work. 

“I find it hard to comprehend because why would we design a situation which bakes in destitution as an outcome or drives people into the exploitative arms of people who are happy to make a profit from their misery?

“I understand the political pressures to limit access to state benefits but to also say you can’t work either? I find that incomprehensible. Which is why Scotland has Fair Way.

“It is a consortium of organisations that include Refugee Sanctuary Scotland, Scottish Refugee Council, Simon Community Scotland, Turning Point Scotland, Homeless Network Scotland, Joseph Rowntree Trust and I-Sphere (housing experts at Heriot-Watt University).

“All these organisations have their own boards, identities, funding etc and have come together under the joint umbrella of Fair Way Scotland to provide specialist legal advice, support and advice and a safe place to stay for people who are either destitute or on the cusp of it.

“But more than that, JRF and I-Sphere are involved to evaluate the work of Fair Way and gather hard data to better understand this policy area in Scotland.

“This isn’t just a ‘fluffy’ coalition doing nice things.

“For a start it is no mean feat to get a group of organisations working together in this way. It takes a massive commitment to stay together and work well together — it is far easier to split apart.

“And secondly, the evaluation and learning side of it gives it an edge that will hopefully inform how we can do things better in the future. Because there is a better way of doing things for sure than current UK government policy.”

Read about the first year of Fair Way Scotland