What’s new for 2025 in the Learning Lounge? 

Happy New Year and a Happy Lunar New Year to everyone celebrating on the 29th of January! With the new year comes new learning opportunities focused on areas including staff wellbeing, and the skills that elevate good practice to great in the homelessness workforce. And on top of that we have new digital content for you to learn at your own pace. 

Have you made a resolution to hone your skills in strengths-based working or set an intention to learn more about the human right to housing?  Are you responsible for the induction of new team members or trustees in 2025?  

Explore our latest training updates to help guide you and your colleagues on a positive learning journey this year and beyond. 

What’s new? 

Upcoming training dates 

  • There are a few spaces left for our updated course The Unequal Risk: an Equality and Human Rights Lens in Housing and Homelessness, held online on 16 January – in our opinion this course is a must for any new board member, frontline worker or volunteer. Book now to avoid disappointment. 
  • For the first time, A Rough Guide to Homelessness Policy and Legislation in Scotland includes self-paced digital content to work through in your own time, as well as a live session on 13 February – perfect for brand new staff or returners to the sector, reserve a space for a new colleague. 
  • Join people keen to learn more about joining the dots between sectors to prevent homelessness at our Closer to Home: a place-based approach to preventing homelessness training on 4 March. Sign up or share with someone in your local area. 

Wider training opportunities 

  • The Frontline Network Scotland’s drug trends training on 14 January is full but you can add your name to the waiting list. 
  • Shelter’s upcoming homelessness training series covers homeless applications, enquiries and decisions and reviews. Run between 23 January and 6 February 2025 for £20 a session or £50 for all three. 

  eLearning and toolkits available to the sector 

  • A new OECD combatting homelessness toolkit offers guidance for policy makers, including information about prevention, models like Housing First and financing. 
  • Simon Community Scotland offers gambling harm eLearning for frontline teams. 
  • The Housing Options toolkit from the Scottish Housing Network is available for local authorities and is currently in trials for housing associations. 

Reflecting on a busy 2024 

Thank you to everyone who came to events with us in 2024! Here are some of our highlights:  

  • We learned with over 200 learners, volunteers and students. 
  • We delivered 15 different online trainings, inhouse workshops and lectures. 
  • 98% of you would recommend the training to a friend or colleague. 
  • 87% named someone they would share their learning with after the session. 
  • 86% made a new connection as a result of attending. 

One of our most heartwarming projects was delivering wellbeing workshops to over 100 housing workers, and their responses to the session were lovely to read: 

“Amazing training, thank you for a day out. You guys really are a breath of fresh air.”  

“Presenters were excellent, very knowledgeable and welcoming.”  

“Really enjoyed today’s training met new colleagues and felt I am not alone.” 

To suggest a training topic you would like to see on our programme, or to send us details of webinars, learning events or workshops for the next training bulletin, please email laura@homelessnetwork.scot