After such a momentous period, it is our special pleasure to host Scotland’s annual homelessness conference and to warmly invite you to join us on 4 October 2022 at the waterfront Crowne Plaza, Glasgow.
A day of inspring speakers, focused breakout sessions – plenty of debate and discussion, and hopefully a few surprises too.
About the Conference
2022 marks ten years since the removal of the priority need test in Scotland.
It was called the 2012 target – or 2012 commitment. It was the result of progressive legislation passed by the Scottish Parliament in 2003 meaning local authorities would have a duty to provide every person who was was not ‘intentionally’ homeless a home by 2012.
It was more than a legal change. It was a huge culture change which accepted that all of us – not some of us – are in urgent and priority need for housing when experiencing homelessness.
But the 2012 target did not end homelessness in Scotland. And for two main reasons. Efforts to prevent homelessness have not been widescale or early enough. And because not all areas have been able to guarantee housing supply and turnover in the places that people want to live.
2032 is the target for 110,000 new affordable homes in Scotland. This is the agreed number that is needed to ensure everyone has the home they need. Which, for almost all of us, is an ordinary home in an ordinary community. And across this period, new duties to prevent homelessness – right across the wider public sector – are expected to be enacted and implemented.
Can we dare to imagine a scenario where the combination of new prevention duties and new affordable housing over the next 10 years will ensure everyone has the home they need? What else needs stacked up for all areas to reduce and ultimately end homelessness? And importantly, what more needs done to help people affected by homelessness today?
Home for 10 will spotlight what the last 10 years has taught us and debate how this should influence the 10 years ahead. And explore some other important ‘tens’ too, including:
- Launched at the conference, a compilation of insights from diverse experts reflecting on 10 years gone and anticipating the 10 years ahead.
- A new deal for tenants and a cost of living crisis; the urgent need to end evictions into homelessness.
- How do we know we are getting closer to ending homelessness? What does it look like and how do we measure it?
- Can a National Care Service help get better housing outcomes?
- What matters most to colleagues in direct support and advice roles.
- Reframing words and images that blame people.
- Advocacy and activism alongside people: when patience isn’t a virtue.