Scottish Parliament Debate

Prevention of Homelessness Duties

Live today, scheduled at 14.50-16.20 

Today, the Scottish Parliament will debate the joint Scottish Government and COSLA consultation on the Prevention of Homelessness Duties. This seeks to:

  • strengthen the rights of people experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, homelessness in Scotland.
  • support the principles as informed by the final report of the Prevention Review Group, which include a shared public responsibility to prevent homelessness.
  • note that the package of measures in the consultation includes the introduction of new legal duties on public bodies and landlords to “ask and act” on any risk of homelessness, changes to existing homelessness legislation to prioritise early intervention, and maximising the housing options available to people.
  • recognise that approaches to preventing homelessness should be person centred and trauma informed, and agrees that this approach will support the implementation of the human right of an adequate home for all.

Watch the debate live here on the Scottish Parliament website.

Want to know more?

Join us on Wednesday 23 February | 10am – 12pm

Join over 100 people registered to attend our free and online briefing and consultation on the new duties, including:

A full briefing on the scope and intention of the prevention duties.

Discussion and debate on the key principles and proposals.

This is a free event for Homeless Network Scotland members. Not a member? Join up here. 

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