The Housing to 2040 publication sets out the Scottish Government’s long-term outlook for homes and communities across Scotland. Including supporting documents tackling equalities, child rights and the impact on rural and island communities, the final publication has been informed and shaped through consultation. Housing to 2040 is intended to reflect the diversity of people, homes and communities and provide a high-level guide to how policy decisions might be made over the next 20 years. The document also sets out plans for 100,000 affordable homes in the ten years up to 2031/32, with at least 70 per cent of these for social rent.
Plans to end homelessness are included, such as supporting people into a settled home through a rapid rehousing approach, and a commitment to Housing First is included as the default option for people with needs in addition to housing.
While Housing First will assist most people with complex needs there may be others who require something different. Housing to 2040 section 03, titled The Route Map, highlights research commissioned by Homeless Network Scotland and led by Indigo House, investigating the need, scale and form of shared and supported accommodation. This will report later 2021 and the Scottish Government has committed to work with partners to take action to ensure people are able to access the kind of home and support they need.