The All in for Change programme has adapted over the past months to new ways of working. With increasing requests for Change Leads to be involved in webinars, the team has begun to review how their unique collaborative voice, of people with front line and lived experience, can continue to influence change.
The Change Team played a central role in consulting the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group (HARSAG) on their updated recommendations for Scottish Government, and have since been invited to review the revised Ending Homelessness Together plan before it is published.
This has sparked an opportunity for the team to re-visit the four New Directions which underpin the All in for Change programme (people first, no wrong door, at home and good vibes) in light of the changes happening on the ground due to continued restrictions.
This month, the Change Team will be participating in the Homeless Network Scotland annual conference, Safe As Houses, where they will be joining live panel discussions as well as hosting their own webinar.
They also continue to contribute to the Everyone Home collective and help to shape route maps focussing on Prevention and the Private Rented Sector.