The unequal risk: an equality and human rights lens in housing and homelessness


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A half-day course giving you an awareness of entrenched inequalities and practical actions we can take to design a more accessible, inclusive and equitable approach to ending homelessness in Scotland. 

We are not all at equal risk of homelessness. Every individual will experience a unique set of circumstances, carry with them their own previous experiences and face different barriers in their journey to a new home. Some groups of people are systematically disadvantaged in the housing system. 

In Scotland we have a legal framework that includes the Equality Act (2010) and the Scotland Specific Duties, which mean that local authorities and services providers must assess the impacts of strategies and services. Yet we know that inequalities persist. 

Join us for this reflective course to think through how we can better listen to and represent diverse communities who experience homelessness. We will introduce you to the evidence in Scotland, underpinning legislation and some practical tools to create better homelessness services. 

Location: Teams 

Duration: 10:00-13:00 with breaks 

Dates: Various

By the end of the course, you will be able to:  

  1. Recognise the systemic inequalities and who is most at risk of experiencing homelessness   
  2. Explore the relevant legal duties within the Equality Act (2010) to homelessness service providers and employers 
  3. Analyse the barriers to equality present in homelessness services and design processes 
  4. Make decisions with an equality and human rights lens to ensure that prevention work represents the diverse communities of people affected by housing insecurity 
  5. Reflect on what you need to continue to learn about to be proactive about inequality 

After the course, you will gain: 

  • A copy of the training slides 
  • An interactive resource list to guide your further learning 
  • Connection to a network of dedicated people working across Scotland to end homelessness 

Why book?  

In recent training 96% of learners left the training more confident in their role and 83% left more aware of external organisations in the local area.  

Current members can access the discounted ticket price. Find out more about HNS Membership

(Prices are inclusive of VAT)

Useful for

This course is designed for organisations like local councils, registered social landlords and public service providing partners who need to comply with the Equality Act (2010) and the Scotland Specific Duties. It is particularly relevant for equality leads, monitoring teams, senior managers and board members with a governance role.   

Accessibility and adjustments

If there are barriers to participating in an online Teams call and adjustments we can make to mitigate barriers, please let a member of the team know how we can help. Examples include, but are not limited to, frequent or extended breaks, using closed captions or an interpreter, sending materials in advance, and requesting printed materials. Email or call 0141 420 7272; Contact Scotland BSL interpretation welcome. 

Bespoke training

This course is also available for in-house delivery to teams and organisations. We are planning an eLearning version of the content too. To chat more about your training requests or discounts for booking multiple staff members please contact the training team to chat more. 

Booking for a colleague

No problem. Please add their name and email address to the delegates option at the checkout.

What learners said

  • “The course was superb.”
  • “Found it accessible…”