Homelessness & Covid-19: Webinar Series Launched

Homeless Network Scotland invites you to a series of webinars beginning on Monday 27 April at 2.00pm, covering a range of themes concerning the additional impact of Covid-19 on homelessness in Scotland.

From Precarious to Permanent, the series begins with an in-depth look at current homelessness policy in response to the Covid-19 outbreak. Delivered by Claire Frew, Policy and Impact Manager, this webinar will be fast moving and informative with an opportunity for Q&A to allow discussion and debate.

Further planned webinar’s in the series include

  • Involving People in Change | 4 May at 2.00pm
    Delivered by the All In for Change Team, this webinar will highlight the benefits of involving people with lived experience in shaping services, influencing policy and changing systems.
  • Housing First Update | 7 May at 2.00pm
    To coincide with the Housing First Conference sadly cancelled due to Covid-19, this webinar will have a progress report on the Housing First strategy, the successes and challenges to date. Delivered by Doug Gibson, Partnerships Manager.
  • Communications in Lockdown | 11 May at 2.00pm
    Delivered by Martin Gavin, Head of External Relations, this webinar will have a detailed look at a challenge for organisations during lockdown of how they continue to communicate internally and externally to people, practitioners and other organisations.
  • Homelessness Action Plan | 18 May at 2.00pm
    Delivered by Michelle Major, Change Lead, this webinar will provide an update on the Homelessness Action Plan in Scotland with particular focus on Rough Sleeping and Destitution.
  • Learning in Lockdown  | 25 May at 2.00pm
    Delivered by Graham Lamont, Business & Learning Development Manager, this webinar will look specifically at the difficulties of learning during the COVID-19 crisis. Offering resources and potential strategies aimed at professionals, practitioners, service users and volunteers.

The webinar series will have several guest speakers as we focus on the many different strands and great work going on across Scotland. To join please follow these instructions:


Early Release from Prison announced

The Cabinet Secretary for Justice, Humza Yousaf  announced in Parliament yesterday that a number of short-term prisoners nearing the end of their time in custody are to be released early, under measures designed to help tackle the (COVID-19) outbreak.

Regulations will be laid before Parliament on the 30th of April 2020, which will come into immediate effect, that will allow for a limited number of short term sentenced individuals to be released on or after that date. The scheme will be limited to those sentenced to 18 months or less and who on 30 April have 90 days (three months) or less left of their time in custody and will exclude certain types of prisoner, such as those sentenced for sexual or terrorism offences.

Further details of the proposed early release programme, which will see these prisoners released over a four week period from 30 April, can be found within the news release here.  

A link to the Ministerial statement made in Parliament is here.

Today, a letter from the Scottish Government Justice Division outlining how they expect the early release to work in practice was sent to partners across the public sector, including Chief Executives of local authorities. The letter is here.

SURVEY: Impact of Covid-19 on Homelessness Sector

Crisis are conducting research to better understand the impact that Coronavirus has had on people experiencing homelessness, how it has impacted on the support that is needed, and what that means for both front line services, local authority and national government responses. The findings of this will be enormously useful to understanding next steps – please take part if you can. You can find the survey here.

Supporting Gypsy & Traveller Communities

Scottish Government has published a framework for supporting gypsy and traveller communities living on public and private sites, and in unauthorised encampments in Scottish local authorities during the COVID-19 outbreak.

The guidance notes that it may also support other mobile communities, however there are additional considerations for Gypsy/Travellers based on cultural background. View the framework here.

Housing, Human Rights and Covid-19

Leilani Farha, UN Special Rapporteur on Housing, has published 13 urgent measures all countries should take in keeping with their human rights obligations around the right to housing during Covid-19. Reassuringly, Scotland is progressing on each of these fronts, but our best responses must continue and improve post-Covid19.