Scottish Government announces additional funding to tackle drug deaths

In a Ministerial statement on drugs policy to the Scottish Parliament at the end of January the First Minister announced additional funding over the next five years to address drug-related deaths in Scotland.

The funding consists of an extra £5 million that will be delivered in what remains of this financial year, to be deployed for high priority work.

If the current Government is returned after the Scottish Parliament election, the announcement promises £50m per year on top. This will include an additional £20 million a year for residential rehabilitation that, according to the Government, will include a significant proportion of the extra funding towards developing sustainable capacity in regional centres.

The Scottish Government aims to focus on key areas urgently, including residential rehabilitation, rapid and appropriate access to treatment, an approach that supports people living with drug addiction to address underlying issues and the role of frontline third-sector organisations. The additional funding is welcome, more information is needed about the implications for people receiving benefits who want to enter rehabilitation services. It is essential that seeking help for addiction does not result in people losing benefits, resulting in financial hardship, and that people are not forced to chose between rehab, or their welfare benefits

SFHA and Homeless Network Scotland strategic partnership

The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) are hosting an online event Housing Now, Housing’s Future which takes place between 18 February and 4 March in four packed events spread over four half-days.

In summer 2020, SFHA and Homeless Network Scotland formed a strategic partnership, with the aim of strengthening the social housing sector’s role in tackling homelessness.

Our Chief Executive, Maggie Brünjes, will be discussing this partnership on day two of the SFHA conference. The session will profile some of the work being undertaken by Homeless Network Scotland alongside SFHA to support work on homelessness, poverty and inequality and explore how we plan to enhance this strategic partnership as we look towards recovery from the pandemic.

Learning experiences from home in the Learning Lounge

The following training courses are running in February and March 2021.

Co-Production in Commissioning and Procurement of Services (for local authority staff):
22 and 24 February from 10am until 1pm delivered over two, three-hour sessions.

This course is for commissioning and procurement teams, grant making organisations and those in the voluntary or private sectors involved in developing new services within their organisations wishing to gain an understanding of new approaches in Commissioning and Procurement. This session will use a solution-focused approach to explain about local needs, aspirations, and assets; clarify where and how to begin when involving lived experience in procurement; explore the benefits and impact of involving lived experience; understand what works and what doesn’t – from people with lived experience.

A Day in the Sun: Homeless Legislation in Scotland
10 March 2021 from 10am until 1pm
This course looks in detail at existing and recent Housing and Homelessness Legislation in Scotland and how it connects to create a world-leading safety net for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. This starts from the foundation 1987, 2001 and 2003 Acts – progressing right up to changes in local connection, intentionality and the Unsuitable Accommodation Order during 2019-21. Delegates will examine pieces of legislation, while identifying and analysing local challenges in implementing. Using current data and analysis, this is an interactive and participatory course which will broaden participant’s knowledge and understanding of Housing and Homelessness Legislation.

Rough Guide to Homelessness Policy in Scotland
22 and 29 March from 10am until 1pm delivered over two, three-hour hour sessions.

This course explores the current national and local policy infrastructure that underpins the legislation. Since 2017, the influence of the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group (HARSAG) and the Scottish Parliament’s Inquiry on Homelessness has led to the Scottish Government/COSLA High-Level Plan to End Homelessness and 32 local Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans. Presented in a rough guide format, this innovative course will broaden knowledge and understanding of current policy to prevent, alleviate and ultimately end homelessness in Scotland.

Delivering Support in a Digital Environment
25th March from 10am until 1pm

Every year the Government sets ambitious targets to significantly reduce the number of people who experience digital exclusion, but until recently online portals were seen as little more than passive providers of information, with digital engagement and support reserved for only the most tech-savvy.

While advances in technology, the proliferation of devices and communication channels, and the greater availability of data for a 24/7 on-demand public have made digital support more accessible, COVID-19 made supporting people digitally a necessity. This Innovative course will introduce the participant to the use of digital support as both a compliment and an alternative to historic support systems by:

• Exploring the range of digital tools available, their uses and benefits
• Sharing learning from services which use digital technology historically
—Samaritans, Fellowships, help lines etc
• Sharing tools and tips for maximising digital contact and engagement;
• Identifying what to do when something feels wrong?
• Exploring best practice in digital safety for staff and clients
• Reading between the lines – interpreting problems without body language?
• Exploring how to use technology as a client diary.

Homelessness statistics in Scotland

During November 2,727 households made a statutory homelessness application to local authorities across Scotland, with 3,083 household accepting an offer of temporary accommodation. Local authorities and housing associations continued to support people out of homelessness by making a combined total of 1,986 permanent lets to homeless households. 

At the end of November 2020, a total of 13,815 households were in temporary accommodation across Scotland, awaiting an offer of a permanent tenancy, which is 18% higher than at the end of March 2020.

Around 600,000 tenants in Scotland live in homes provided by social landlords, with an additional 45K owner occupiers receiving services from RSLs. The Scottish Housing Regulator is the independent regulator of social landlords in Scotland, including councils that have housing stock.

Veterans Homelessness Pathway will tackle tough issues

The Scottish Government requested the support of the Veterans Scotland Housing Group to explore, investigate, report, and recommend a pathway to end homelessness for veterans in Scotland.  The remit and approach to the project is likely to include:

  • The definitions of homelessness
  • Transition from Service and the barriers to housing
  • Establishing the experience of other homelessness projects and their impact
  • Data Sources and the availability of accurate information

An initial meeting looked at clarifying what Homelessness means in a veterans context and the group will also scope who is responsible for ensuring service personnel effectively transition from service and if veterans should be classed as a ‘protected group’. 

At the same time, new UK legislation to help ensure armed forces personnel, veterans and their families are not disadvantaged by their service when accessing key public services was introduced to the House of Commons in January covering services such as healthcare, education and housing.