Glasgow Alliance to End Homelessness

Coproduction workshops on Tuesday 11th & Wednesday 12th May 2021

The Alliance recognises that to achieve systems change and transform the lives of people experiencing homelessness in Glasgow we’ll need the skills, experience and knowledge of all our partners across the City.

The award of services is now one of the key responsibilities of the Alliance. This is a crucial element of the foundations that will enable the Alliance to meet its core mission of making sure that the right service is available at the right time to meet current and emerging needs.

We invite you to bring your skills, knowledge and experience to a coproduction workshop to help us develop a strategy for the award of services that the Alliance will implement.

The workshop will outline the Alliance’s vision for a new system with opportunities to discuss how we bring this vision to life in a way that is best for people using services.

We want to hear from people at all levels of your organisation to make sure that we capture the learning from everyone’s perspectives. With that in mind, we’d appreciate your help to make sure that we have representation from people being supported by your services, your organisation’s front line, operational management and senior management at the events.

We have created a short survey which we would ask you to complete prior to the workshops. Please share this with your colleagues and people using your service. We ask that this is completed by 5pm on Friday 23 April 2021 and you can find the survey here

The dates of the workshops are:

  • Tuesday 11th May- 10am – 1pm – Lived and living experience
  • Wednesday 12th May – 10am – 1pm – All providers of homelessness services

People with lived or living experience who attend the workshop on Tuesday 11h May will receive a £10 incentive.

This invite is open to everyone with lived or living experience, front line staff, operational managers and directors so please share this invitation widely across your organisation. Places are limited at each workshop and we ask that you have no more than three representatives from across your organisation. 

To book your place, please click here:

  • Tuesday 11th May- 10am – 1pm – Lived and living experience Click Here to Book
  • Wednesday 12th May – 10am – 1pm  – All Providers of homelessness services Click Here to Book

Please contact Andrew McCall if you require further information: