UK New System Alliance
We are connecting people and places to drive change. All in.
UK New System Alliance
The New System Alliance is a collective of allies of individuals and organisations working to create a better, fairer system for people going through tough times.
A place to come for those who feel there is something wrong with the current system. It acts as a home for those who have felt frustrated, unheard or invisible, whether working in services, commissioning or with direct experience. It will influence through doing, and create change by using a connected, person-led approach to allow a new strengths-based system to emerge.
People’s voices are at the heart of the New System Alliance. It offers an opportunity to listen and be heard and to ‘do something’ to bring about total systems change, where people are able to take control and together, can respond in a new way to finally make the systems work for them and those they support.
Homeless Network Scotland are New Systems Alliance partners, along with Mayday Trust, Platfform and Changing Lives, and with the support from the National Lottery Community Fund. Early adopters in Scotland, and New System Allies, include Ypeople and Foursquare.