Prioritise prevention
What change do we want?
We are acting on what works and what matters. All in.
Prioritising prevention is crucial to Scotland’s plans to end
homelessness. The Homelessness and Rough Sleeping
Action Group made a series of recommendations taken up
in the Scottish Government’s Ending Homelessness
Together: High Level Action Plan.

Key policy strands
The development of clear prevention pathways for those at highest risk of rough sleeping and homelessness (e.g. people leaving prison); Reviewing the flexibility of statutory homelessness assessments; Embedding a ‘no wrong door’ approach; and Develop a new duty on local authorities and other public bodies and delivery partners for the prevention of homelessness.
Universal prevention
Preventing or minimising homelessness risks across the population at large could cover policies around provision of affordable housing, adequate welfare benefits, improving security of tenure etc.

Targeted prevention
Upstream prevention focused on high risk groups (e.g. vulnerable young people, risky transitions from LA care, prison etc.)
Crisis prevention
Preventing homelessness likely to occur within 56 days.

Emergency Prevention
Support for those at immediate risk of homelessness, especially rough sleeping.
Recovery Prevention
Prevention of repeat homelessness and rough sleeping.