Our resources
View our recent reports here or look at our Annual and Impact Reports.

Staying In
Findings from a test-of-change programme exploring what happened when two communities in Glasgow – Pollok and the Gorbals – set about to prevent homelessness and to share what they designed and discovered. [pdf]

No Wrong Door
Too often the entry point into services is the label stuck on people – disorder, addiction, offender, rough sleeper, vulnerable, challenging, complex, chaotic. No Wrong Door means more focus on the causes – poverty, inequality, trauma, disconnection. [pdf]

Fair Way Scotland
Gateway to a safe destination, support and advice for people with no recourse to public funds. A five-year delivery plan for helping to design-out destitution by providing accommodation pathways and
support to people with NRPF who are at risk of homelessness and rough sleeping. PDF

Shared Spaces Research
The purpose of this research has been to understand the potential future role of supported and shared housing to prevent and resolve homelessness in Scotland. The research has explored the circumstances in which supported and/or shared settled housing may be appropriate, what this type of housing might be like, what the likely scale of this housing would be, and seek to understand how well-placed local authorities, Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs) and service providers may be to provide these options. PDF

Homelessness & Covid-19:
Equalities Considerations
The additional impact of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak on homelessness and the protected characteristics of people who experience it in Scotland has been considered by Homeless Network Scotland
and a specialist group of Expert Reviewers. This document outlines the priorities identified. The purpose is to assist national and local partners provide a pandemic incident response that is sensitive to the different forms of inequality and the rights of people who have characteristics protected by the Equality Act 2010. PDF

Feasibility Study: What Works Centre
The new Centre for Homelessness Impact aims to improve the lives of people affected by homelessness by instigating a shift of resources to evidence-based solutions. Changing the way we work won’t be easy; the barriers to evidence uptake are many and complex. This is why Crisis and GHN believe that we need to create a dedicated body that is sector led and owned to help ensure evidence is at the heart of the solutions we develop to prevent or tackle homelessness. PDF

Research: Complex Needs Full Report

Toolkit: How to Buy In to Community Budgeting
Community Budgeting is an exciting opportunity for local people to get involved in decisions on how local budgets are spent. It is not just a nice idea, it is a new policy. It is so important to us that people know this and how to get involved – thatis what this toolkit is for

Report: Aye We Can
A report sharing what people with first-hand experience of homelessness from all over Scotland think we need to do to transform temporary accommodation and end rough sleeping and homelessness.