Key Policy & Strategy Register

Ending homelessness together: annual report 2023
Scottish Government
This annual report sets out the progress made in the last 12 months by national government, local government and third sector partners towards ending homelessness in Scotland

Ending Destitution Together
Progress Report – Year Two 2022-2023
Scottish Government
Year two progress report outlining the implementation and delivery of the actions of the Ending Destitution Together strategy.

Measuring Impact Task and Finish Group Final Report and Recommendations
Scottish Government
The Ending Homelessness Together Monitor is designed to measure the impact of the Scottish Government-COSLA joint Ending Homelessness Together Plan in Scotland.
The Monitor aims to report on indicators that reflect the wide-ranging, interlinked and predictable causes of homelessness including poverty and inequality, strength of labour markets and welfare levels, housing supply and affordability.
Read the recommendations made by the group, one of four thematic and cross sector task-and-finish groups appointed by the Scottish Government’s Homelessness Prevention and Strategy Group.

Task and Finish Group:
Homelessness Prevention
Final report (2023)
Scottish Government
The Scottish Government’s Homelessness Prevention and Strategy Group (HPSG) appointed 4 task groups to tackle 4 of the ‘big questions’ about homelessness. The preventing homelessness group, co-chaired by the chief executives of Cyrenians and Crisis – Ewan Aitken and Matt Downie – is the second group to report.
The report provides an outline of the groundwork needed to achieve the potential of the proposed new homelessness prevention duties. And outlines the 5 steps needed to catalyse public bodies into taking action to support the duties’ implementation. A response from Scottish Government to the report will be made over the coming period.

Task and Finish Group:
Supported Housing
Final report (2024)
Scottish Government
The Supported Housing Task and Finish Group, appointed by Scottish Government and COSLA, has published its final report recommending that national and local emergency plans should prioritise work focused on reducing temporary accommodation and the better targeting of shared and supported forms of housing.
The group, co-chaired by Homeless Network Scotland chief executive Maggie Brunjes and Scottish Federation of Housing Associations policy lead Eileen McMullan, sets out recommendations for Scottish Government, local authorities, Health and Social Care Partnerships and housing and support providers. As the final group to report, common themes raised throughout the work of all four groups are noted.

A Caring, Compassionate
and Human Rights Informed
Drug Policy for Scotland (2023)
Scottish Government
Minister for Drugs and Alcohol Policy, Elena Whitham, has published what progressive, evidence-based drugs policy would look like if it had human rights, public health and the reduction of harm as its underlying principles. While significant actions can continue to be progressed in Scotland, the paper argues that fundamental elements require UK Government to reform drug law to improve the lives of people who use drugs, their families and communities.
Our Response:

Human Rights Bill – live consultation (2023)
Scottish Government
Consultation to embed international human rights in Scotland, including the right to adequate housing. Closes 5 October.
Our Response:

Cash-First – towards ending the need for food banks in Scotland (2023)
Scottish Government
Sets out a cash-first approach to tackling food insecurity and outlines nine collaborative actions to reduce financial hardship and reduce the need for emergency food parcels.
Our Response:

Temporary Accommodation Standards Framework (2023)
Scottish Government
Advisory standards for local authorities to ensure that all temporary accommodation is of a consistently high quality.
Our Response:

Task and Finish Group Final Report & Recommendations: Temporary Accommodation (2023)
Scottish Government
The recommendations of one of four thematic and cross sector task-and-finish groups that were appointed by the Scottish Government’s Homelessness Prevention and Strategy Group.
Our Response:

Branching Out: The National Framework for Housing First (2023)
Scottish Government
Homeless Network Scotland
The National Framework to help local authorities and partners to start-up or scale-up Housing First in Scotland. First published 2021 and updated twice a year.
Our Response:

Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy: Analysis of consultation responses (2023)
Scottish Government
Scottish Government analysis of consultation to inform the development of a new Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Scotland which will be published during 2023.
Our Response:

Veterans’ Homelessness Prevention Pathway (2022)
Scottish Government
Veterans Housing Scotland
One in a suite of pathways to prevent homelessness among groups of people more at risk of homelessness, an action in the Ending Homelessness Together plan.
Our Response:

Prevention of Homelessness Duties: Analysis of consultation responses (2022)
Scottish Government
Scottish Government analysis of consultation on the prevention of homelessness duties that ran from 17 December 2021 to 8 April 2022 and received 113 responses.
Our Response:

Consultation on a National Care Service (2022)
Scottish Government
Scottish Government analysis of consultation on proposals for a National Care Service to achieve changes to the system of community health and social care in Scotland.
Our Response:

Youth Homelessness Prevention Pathway (2021)
Scottish Government
Rock Trust
One of a suite of pathways committed in the Ending Homelessness Together plan to prevent homelessness earlier among groups of people most at risk.
Our Response:

Fair Way Scotland Delivery Plan (2021)
Scottish Government
A third and academic sector programme to improve knowledge of and outcomes for people with no recourse to public funds. Action 3 of the Ending Destitution Together Strategy.
Our Response:

Ending Destitution Together Strategy (2021)
Scottish Government
The national strategy to improve support and partnership working for people with no recourse to public funds living in Scotland.
Our Response:

Shared Spaces Policy Position (2021)
Scottish Government
Indigo House
Policy position on the future role of supported and shared housing to prevent and resolve homelessness.
Our Response:

Housing to 2040 (2021)
Scottish Government
Sets out a vision for housing in Scotland to 2040 and a route map to get there with the aim that everyone has an affordable home in the place they want to be.
Our Response:

Preventing Homelessness in Scotland: Recommendations for legal duties (2021)
Recommendations for broader legal duties to prevent homelessness that will be enacted through the Housing Bill 2023. Crisis convened the cross-sector review group.
Our Response:

Unsuitable Accommodation Order (2021)
Scottish Government
Guidance for local authorities on the Unsuitable Accommodation Order which specifies temporary accommodation that is unsuitable and for whom.
Our Response:

Ending Homelessness Together Action Plan (2020)
Scottish Government
Sets out how national government, local government and third sector partners will work together to end homelessness. Revised to reflect actions needed in response to the global coronavirus pandemic.
Our Response:

HARSAG and COVID: A guide for housing associations (2020)
Homeless Network Scotland
A summary of recommendations and rationale to assist social housing providers transfer new recommendations into their local policy and delivery.
Our Response:

HARSAG and COVID: A guide for local authorities (2020)
Homeless Network Scotland
A summary of recommendations and rationale to assist local authorities transfer new recommendations into local Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans for implementation.
Our Response:

HARSAG COVID Report (2020)
Scottish Government
Recommendations from the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group that was reconvened during the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.
Our Response:

Homelessness & COVID-19: Equalities Considerations (2020)
Homeless Network Scotland
Framework to help mitigate the anticipated additional impact of the coronavirus outbreak on homelessness and the protected characteristics of people who experience it.
Our Response:

Code of Guidance on Homelessness (2019)
Scottish Government
Guidance to help guide local authorities in their duties toward people who are threatened with or experiencing homelessness.
Our Response:

Ending Homelessness Together Action Plan (2018)
Scottish Government
Sets out how national government, local government and third sector partners will work together to end homelessness. Based on the action group’s recommendations.
Our Response:

Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans: Guidance for Local Authorities and Partners (2018)
Indigo House
Social Bite
Homeless Network Scotland
A framework to assist local authorities transition to a rapid rehousing response. Commissioned by the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group.
Our Response:

HARSAG Final Reports and Recommendations (2018)
Scottish Government
Suite of reports from the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group, set up to recommend to Scottish Ministers the actions and solutions needed to end homelessness.
Our Response:

Parliamentary Inquiry on Homelessness (2017)
Scottish Parliament
Report from the cross-party committee that led a parliamentary inquiry on homelessness, with Housing First a key recommendation.
Our Response: