North West Glasgow

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Advice and Help
Citizens Advice Bureau
GNWCAB – Glasgow North West Citizens Advice Bureau
2nd Floor, 1455 Maryhill Road, Glasgow G20 9AA
Phone to book an appointment: 0141 948 0204
GNWCAB – Glasgow North West Citizens Advice Bureau
Maryhill Library Outreach
Wednesday 16.30 – 19.00
1508 Maryhill Road, Glasgow G20 9AD
Phone to book an appointment: 0141 276 0715
GNWCAB – Glasgow North West Citizens Advice Bureau
Possilpark Library Outreach
(Also has a Chinese community outreach service)
127 Allander Street, Glasgow G22 5J
Phone to book an appointment: 0141 948 0204
Community Services
Glasgow North West Recovery Hub (Recovery from alcohol and drugs)
Unit 2, The Quadrangle, 59 Ruchill St, G20 9PX
0141 221 3382 | |
The Glasgow Tool Library (GTL) (providing people with the tools they need to improve the objects, spaces, and places that matter to them)
818 Garscube Rd, Glasgow G20 7ET |
Lambhill Stables (facility for people to meet up, enjoy the natural surroundings, form groups of interest and take part in community development opportunities)
11 Canal Bank North, Lambhill Bridge Glasgow G22 6RD
0141 945 4100 |
North West Carers (Help for carers)
Killearn Resource Centre, 29 Shakespeare Street, Maryhill G20 8TH
0141 946 5612
North Glasgow Integration Network (NGIN) (Promotes the integration of asylum seekers and refugees)
Barmullock Community Centre, 46 Wallacewelll Quadrant, Glasgow, G21 3PX | 07404 842227
Saheliya (Mental health and well-being of women (12+) experiencing racial inequality including asylum seeking and refugee women)
St. Rollox House, 130 Springburn Road, Glasgow G21 1YL | 0141 552 6540
Sprinburn Park Men’s Shed (mens health and wellbeing)
Springburn Park, Glasgow, G21 3UQ |
The Women’s Centre Glasgow (support women to develop confidence, combat social isolation, promote learning new skills)
17-33 Shawpark Street, Maryhill, Glasgow G20 9DA | 0141 576 1400
YOMO (Empower young people that live across the North West of Glasgow)
39 Conisborough Road, Glasgow, G34 9QN |
Volunteer Centre Glasgow (For people interested in volunteering)
0141 226 3431 |
Health and Dental Care
Dentists, Pharmacists and Optometrists
Advice on health issues and details of local GP, dental and pharmacy
services in your area. NHS 24 also offers personal medical advice and
guidance. Should you need urgent help, NHS 24 staff may direct you to
one of the accident and emergency or out-of-hours GP Services.
Call 111
Provides urgent care and advice when your GP, pharmacy or dental practice is closed.
Directory of local health services
NHS 24
More information about Glasgow libraries can be found at
Maryhill Library
Maryhill Road, Glasgow, G20 9AD | 0141 276 0715
Milton Library
Liddesdale Road, Glasgow, G22 7QR | 0141 276 0885
Possilpark Library
Allander Street, Glasgow, G22 5JJ | 0141 276 0928
Springburn Library
Kay Street, Glasgow, G21 1JY | 0141 276 1690
Royston Library
Royston Road, Glasgow, G21 2QW | 0141 276 0890
Social Work Services
If you already have a social worker then you can contact them or their office direct. If you have not contacted social work before then contact Social Care Direct on 0141 287 0555.
Springburn Local Social Work Office
28-30 Adamswell Street, Springburn Glasgow G21 4DD | 0141 276 4710
Possilpark Local Social Work Area
30 Mansion Street, Glasgow G22 5SZ | 0141 276 6210
Glasgow NW Foodbank
Millbrix Ave, Glasgow G14 0EP | 07787 334012
North Glasgow Community Food Initiative
Milton Office
North Glasgow Community Food Initiative
St Andrew’s Church, Liddesdale Square, Milton, Glasgow G22 7BT
0141 772 0299 |
Royston Food Hub
Royston Primary School, 102 Royston Road, Glasgow, G21 2NU
0141 552 4011 |
Milton Community Garden
Liddesdale Square, Milton, Glasgow G22 7BT
Springburn Parish Church Food Hub
180 Springburn Way, Glasgow G21 1TU | 0141 557 2345
Schools and Education
A list of schools serving the North West of Glasgow can be found at:
Nursery Schools
Primary Schools
Secondary Schools
ASL Schools (Additional Support for Learning)
Clothing Grants and Free School Meals
Glasgow Kelvin College
More information about courses visit
123 Flemington St, Sprinburn Glasgow G21 4TD
Ashgill Recreation and Learning Centre
340-342 Ashgill Road, Milton, Glasgow G22 7HW | 0141 772 7993
Housing Associations
NG Homes Possilpark Office
Saracen House 139 Saracen Street, Possilpark, Glasgow G22 5AZ
0141 336 1300
NG Homes Springburn Office
Ned Donaldson House, 50 Reidhouse Street, Springburn Glasgow G21 4LS
0141 560 6000
Maryhill Housing Association
45 Garrioch Rd, Glasgow G20 8RG
0141 946 2466
Milnbank Housing Association
53 Ballindalloch Dr, Glasgow G31 3DQ
0141 551 8131
Queens Cross Housing Association
45 Firhill Rd, Glasgow G20 7BE
0808 143 2002
Trains serving North West Glasgow
Latest timetables, fares and amenities are available at | 03457 484 950
Ashfield Station
Ashfield Street, Cowlairs G22 6LR
Barnhill Station
Petershill Road, Barnhill G21 4NB
Maryhill Station
Station Road Maryhill G20 8HL
Possilpark & Parkhouse Station
Balmore Road Possil Park G22 6LN
Springburn Station
148 Atlas Road, Springburn G21 1SB
Summerston Station
Arrochar Street, Summerston G23 5AT
Buses Serving North West Glasgow
Latest Timetables and routes at
7 / 7A Summerston – Rutherglen (7) / Cambuslang (Westburn) (7A)
via Saracen Cross, City Centre, Hampden Park, Toryglen (7) or King’s Park
60/60A Easterhouse – Clydebank (60) / Milngavie (60A)
via Barlanark, Parkhead, Duke Street, City Centre & Maryhill
61 Sandyhills – Summerston
via Tollcross, Parkhead, City Centre & Maryhill Road
75 Milton – Castlemilk
via Saracen Cross, City Centre, Hampden Park & Menock Road
87 City Centre (Buchanan Bus Station) – Auchinairn
via Springburn Shopping Centre, Stobhill Hospital, Woodhill & Angus Avenue
Sport and Leisure
Find more information about Glasgow Clubs at
Glasgow Club Maryhill
34 Gairbraid Avenue, Glasgow G20 8EY | 0141 276 5300
Glasgow Club Milton
Liddesdale Road, Glasgow, G22 7QR | 0141 276 1320
Glasgow Club Springburn
Kay Street Glasgow G21 1JY | 0141 276 1690
Maryhill Activity Directory
Spirit of Springburn