A Day in the Sun for Good Law & Policy Delegate Pack

A Day in the Sun for Good Law & Policy Delegate Pack Safe as Houses Conference Programme Sponsors, Speakers & Delegates Homeless Network Scotland Membership Form Learning Lounge Brochure 2020 Learning Lounge Booking Form RRTPs and HARSAG Guide for Housing Associations October 2020 Ending Homelessness Together Updated Action Plan October…

Shared Spaces of the Future

The Shared Spaces research now underway in Scotland will assist local authorities and partners delivering local Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans (RRTPs). The research starts from the basis that even in the best managed homelessness systems, with adequate access to affordable and suitable housing, there may be a requirement for other…

All in for Change

The All in for Change programme has adapted over the past months to new ways of working. With increasing requests for Change Leads to be involved in webinars, the team has begun to review how their unique collaborative voice, of people with front line and lived experience, can continue to influence…